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When I was a kid I LOVED the first stay of school! It was always a good reason to wear a new outfit, meet with new and old friends and find out what knowledge the new year will bring (I was such a geek). Now, it only gives me a chance to search my favorite stock libraries and give all you marketers the best 10 free images to use in your first day of school materials

You can use them in online banners, ads or websites, on commercial or personal projects, with no attribution (although it is appreciated when possible). Most of the libraries featured on the list will also list other recommendations, so be sure to check those out when you find a picture you like.

So here is my list of 10 free stock images for starting the new school year:

  1. Kindergarten boy looking at laptop computer by Thomas Park
  2. Girl with face mask on bus by Miikka Luotio
  3. Girl learning at home by Julia M Cameron
  4. Mother taking kid to school by Gustavo Fring
  5. Child using sanitizer by soumen82hazra
  6. Kid wearing mask in school by Freepik
  7. Kids with masks touching elbows by Freepik
  8. Mother putting mask on daughter by August de Richelieu
  9. Lonely Red Teddy bear in a protective medical mask by Volodymyr Hryshchenko
  10. Girl in school using hand sanitizer and wearing mask by Freepik

Do you like my list of 10 free stock images for starting the new school year? Do you have some other nice finds to add? Write me a comment and I’ll make sure to feature them in the updated version next year.

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